Ms. Ambassador Ceci
A 5-week program and mastermind to become masterful in your inner leadership.
So you can create the legacy you’re here to create.
Ceci is the name of my inner goddess.
Each and every Ambassador has a divine part inside of them that is guiding them and setting them up for grace and the highest intelligence there is.
This part of you is needed to succeed in what you’re here to do.
It’s by far not the only part that is needed.
But it’s crucial and it has the biggest impact on every person and everything you’re in relationship with.
You inner goddess is extremely powerful.
She brings you freedom and supports you daily to create the space to do what really matters.
I’ve lost a lot of time, energy, and resources by not having her in my inner counsil at all times until a couple of years ago. I had known her since I was 20 years old, and she supported me hugely in many ways, daily.
But I hadn’t had access to her in my communication and other areas of my life, and this, for example, led to me communicating with parts of me that hadn’t the highest intelligence.
In this way and many others, that we cover inside of Ceci, your inner goddess is directly connected to how strong you feel.
This inner strength gives you a power that naturally lets you drop forcing, controlling, and over-thinking.
When she becomes part of your council, you as an Ambassador will be able to work more efficiently, you’ll feel more connected to your vision, and you’ll feel more divine than ever before. Which you are - but this is the whole point, if we can’t feel it in our body, we can’t live it.
These four weeks will change your legacy.
If you feel the pull, trust that.
I’d love to have you.
The investment currently is: € 111 *
*NOTE: This is the lowest investment you’ll ever find for this program in this round. The price will rise multiple times until the program will be fully delivered when it rises to its full price.
We start on the 7th of April 2025 and the programs runs until the 11th of May.
We have five teaching modules (Mondays @ 3 pm CET / 9 am EST), an assignment each week to be completed until the following Monday, five mastermind calls (Thursdays @ 4 pm CET / 9 or 10 am EST), and a group mastermind chat together.
Every call will be recorded and send to you in case you can’t make it live.
The chat will be open at all times.
The assignments will be complemented by a workbook.
The mastermind recordings will stay within this live group and won’t be available to buy for others.
The teaching calls will be made available for others to purchase after the program has finished.
If you have questions, connect with me via email or send me a DM.