Stillness and Richness: Become still and move connected to your richest life

- waitlist -

A 3-day free training to enter stillness and richness for the season to come in actionable ways.

    Sign up with your first name right here to get on the waitlist and I look forward to meet you inside!

    This training is free. With signing up you agree to receive emails from me. You can unsubscribe at any time.

    You’ll walk away with

    . access to stillness inside of you in a way that you won’t want to miss it anymore 💄🧘🏽‍♀️

    . clarity on how to set your days and schedule up for this next season - and beyond - to run the way you’d love it to run

    . a clear map that is repeatable - related to changes in schedules, commitments, traditions, and arrangements.

    The three live trainings will be happening on zoom for about 20 minutes each day and you’ll receive a recording if you can’t make it live.

    The new time for this training isn’t set yet.

    Trust that it will come to you in the perfect timing!

    With registering for the waitlist you’ll be notified automatically once the time is scheduled.

    You also receive four Stillness and Richness DIY steps to dive into this amazing process immediately.

      Sign up with your first name right here and you’re all set to receive four DIY steps immediately and to be notified once the time for this training is scheduled. I so look forward to meeting you inside!

      This training is free. With signing up you agree to receive emails from me. You can unsubscribe at any time.

      If you desire 1:1 support for this offering, you can book that here: