Leading yourself powerfully program - day 1-10


Welcome, ladies and gentlemen!

Allow your mind to be open and relaxed.  

Allow your body to relax. 

Allow the words to activate you. 

This month can open you up. 

To an even deeper ability to lead yourself in your everyday life - because of course you’re doing it beautifully already. 

Open up to this: to go deeper, to be touched a little bit more, to find out more. 

Day 1: You matter so much

At the end of / after the practice I got cut off and I was saying of course you can share whatever comes up for you - this was meant for the live chat.

For you listening on the replay:

If you feel called to: share your three words with me, please send them to me on Instagram in my DMs.

I’d love to hear from you and to witness you!

This practice (the audio # 2) we did on the 8th of August 2024. It was the 8/8/8 portal. However, portals open up all the time. Do this practice when you feel especially supported, during a full moon, during a new moon, or in another time that aligns with you setting a powerful intention for the next weeks and months.

We will continue to work with the words you chose in this activation.

Day 2: One is a million 🔥🔥🔥

Day 3: 🧬 Shifting in the moment

👑 Set up a practice to feel the qualities, the feelings, the beliefs you want to invite into your life. Feel them with your whole body and don’t let this be a one time practice. Go into it, again and again and again. (I do it every day at least once a day during my walks, grounding and connecting to nature and me feeling safe in this life and in my body.)

👑 Integrate the three steps to shift throughout your day: 

1 ) Notice & decide

2 ) Shift in your body (!!!)

3 ) Keep the momentum & aligned action

Day 4: Treading lightly 🥿

The meaning of Treading lightly that you find in the dictionary is: to proceed cautiously. 

In here we mean:   

to walk lightly, to feel the soles of the feet and to connect to softness. To not get caught up in any kind of drama.

Today practice feeling your feet walking lightly. Simply in between throughout your day when you think of it.

When you put your attention on the soles of our feet and intentionally walk in a soft way, it trains your brain to feel the soles of your feet, the softness, and so on. This can help us to tread also more lightly in situations that can feel sticky or muddy. So that we don’t sink into the mud. It means not to get caught up in a drama, in an argument, or when something is really difficult for us. It trains us to stay stable, to feel the ground beneath our feet, to feel the support we have.

Treading lightly gives us a sensual experience of being supported and being in the world with a little more lightness. 

Short distances also count! 🥿 🥿

Day 5: Frequency on! Truly check your foundations

Everything in our universe is energy (I think we all get aware of that more and more, am I right?) and when we speak about self-leadership we can’t not speak about our frequency because of course it has an impact on everything. 

And: Everything has an impact on our frequency. 

Today I want to invite you to feel into your own frequency in the following areas. 

I know you know about all of these areas and that they have a huge impact. 

So this isn’t a teaching part. 

This is an invite for you to truly take the time to look at these and to ask yourself: 

Is there something related to this area of my life that affects my frequency in a negative way that I pretend not to know? 

😴 Sleep

💧☕️🍸 Water and other beverages

🫐 Foods

👀 Accounts you follow

🎙️ Podcasts you follow / listen to

📺 Shows you watch

🤍 People you meet

💬 Conversations you have: How do they affect your energy? Being honest with yourself is key. This one can be a tough one as we don’t want to hurt people and not meet up with them anymore. However, if the conversations you have with a certain person / a group are constantly putting your energy and frequency down, you are allowed to look at it and to decide if there’s a way to change that: Do I want to speak to that person and ask to not discuss certain topics anymore? Do I want to see this person less? Do I want to meet this person in larger circles only? And so on. This WILL bring your good girl to the surface who doesn’t like to do this. Allow her to be there. Allow her to speak to you. And respond to her what you know to be true. 

🥎 Activities you do regularly (or not)

Do this is a way that doesn’t overwhelm you: 

. Pick the three most important areas for you right now intuitively. 

. Then feel into it, get clear on the one thing you know you want to change (and maybe there’s none, all good, but then you know that you did this check!)

. Then take the action: unfollow, drink the glass of water and set reminders, schedule a new nighttime routine. 

Then, FOLLOW-UP with yourself, if necessary: If your inner child 🧒 wanted to watch three episodes in a row of your favourite series, negotiate with her the best amount and give her what she needs with another activity that nourishes her AND that is more in alignment with what your body needs! She can sound like: “But this is not fair! I really deserve to watch them! It IS good for me!” And so on (these inner children!)


💘 My last favourite series was “The Diplomat” on Netflix, gripping, and such a beautiful love story, too (yes, I now follow David Gyasi on instagram and fell in love with him!). I watched it more than once - but luckily in this area of my life I’m good in keeping things in my perfect balance.

🍮 In the sugar department I’m far more challenged to keep things in balance and for a long time I ignored how bad sugar was for me. And I want to say upfront: I still eat sugar. A friend of mine always says: “I’m a sweet one! This is why I love something sweet!” Me, too :) So, for me it definitely doesn’t work to not eat sugar at all. 

But I eat it as awake as possible, in small portions (mostly), and when I really feel like it. When I eat too much sugar for days in a row because for example we’re invited for a couple of days, and there are a lot of meals, and drinks, and cakes, and deserts, then it can happen that my body gets hocked - and I eat more and more of it if I don’t stop very consciously. 


👉🏽 I’d love to hear if you found out about something that you know you pretended not to know! Send me a DM on instagram, I read them all and will applaud you!

Day 6: Your inner light

If I ever launch a mastermind, it will be called Inner Light. I just love saying it, reading it, and visualising it! 

You can do this practice several times because we sometimes need to release things in layers. The time around the full moon in general is supportive, but other times will support it, too, keep connected to energetic updates. Of course you can repeat this practice any time you feel an energy to release that sits deeper.

Day 7: Heart connection = our inner GPS

👑👑👑 THIS is the MOST IMPORTANT piece of the whole month 👸🏻 *

Connecting to our hearts is a practice, it’s a way of living, it’s a connection channel to the divine, it’s a connection channel to wealth, it’s a connection to your true self LIVED, EMBODIED, CHERISHED. 

Our heart as an electro-magnetic field is similar to a device. It truly connects us to the Quantum field. It’s a magnificent field that we get to build and activate with our breath, intention, attention, and our willingness to lean in and to follow its direction giving. I can’t wait to hear your shares about what you felt in your heart TODAY. And we go more into this topic in the next days. 

(NOTE: Every sensation is welcomed. Feel what is there to feel. Remember that we’re NOT striving in here. We’re not here to reach a certain point, level, or doing this practice “right”. This is about fully feeling what is here for us to feel today, and then to connect back again later on, tomorrow, the next day, and so on. You WILL be able to see, feel, hear and sense more and more, the more you build this field.) 

* For the ones who did this with me before: Open up to what is here for you TODAY. This practice evolves as you evolve.


Day 8: Truly opening up to the light around you and inside of you

Don’t miss this one 🔥 It changed my life. 

AND: I’m still transitioning to this new reality inside of me. So for myself it oftentimes right now looks like like I haven’t opened up more yet. But I know inside of me I have. Because I can feel it. So this is my truth. Even if the external reality is not reflecting this in all areas of my life yet. 

Enjoy this one so much! 🌄☀️⛅️

Day 9: Today there’s no transmission so we get to PAUSE. Let everything land in your body ✨✨✨✨

Day 10: Sunglasses: out of fashion in the mornings (simply put lipstick on instead for your fashion statement 💄)

Recommended as a minimum for the mornings: 

. 10 minutes when the sun is out

. 20 Minutes when it’s cloudy

. 30 minutes when it’s overcasted

Specifically let your eyes receive the sun without staring directly into the sun. 

Source: Dr. Andrew Huberman.


Here I don’t have a specific time for you, I simply catch as much as I can. 

I personally do nothing in a rigid way. 

I still go on a walk every morning, and it makes ALL the difference. 

I’d LOVE for you to join me!
