Leading yourself powerfully program - day 11-20


Day 11 Heart to heart with your inner child ❤️🧒🏽🧒🧒🏻🧬

Today’s transmission includes a story from how I invented my first visualisation into the quantum field as a child, the power of symbols like spirals and the infinity symbol (also VERY powerful and important for our children growing up 🧬).

A short introduction to this healing practice. 

Sending your inner child light practice ✨✨✨ 

This practice can further support us in healing and releasing. When we support our inner child, it doesn’t need to hold onto its story of lack, for example, and we can release the story of lack.  

Day 12: Choosing miracles 🌈

This is the transmission for today: Choose miracles. Don’t wait for them. Don’t see if there’s one happening. Choose to see them in your daily life. This is a form of leading yourself into the overflow of life happening today. We can only see what we believe is possible. Do you believe that miracles happen on a daily basis?

A beautiful story related to this. In it: A dog 🐶 I chose the miracle ✨

I forgot to mention this detail in my story that makes it even more miraculous.

Sara’s message: the small miracles

My response

Sara’s second message mentioning Dr. Joe Dispenza’s meditations

My response

Day 13: 👑 From trying to doing (AKA Choose in your morning time, ladies 💃🏽)

Notice that in my dog story from yesterday I didn’t say to Golo: “We now TRY it with this list of breeders!” We simply did it. No trying, no striving, not making a story out of: “We haven’t found the dog yet. We will never find it!” Simply moving forward in the energy of: We find this dog! And if not, there would have been a good reason for that. Trusting that, too ✨

For today: Where do you see this gap and how could you simply close it today by deciding you are that already, this already is happening? 

Stepping into this “I AM…” frequency with joy, every morning again. Because you KNOW this is inside of you. You are that. There’s no question about that. 

How does this change your feeling of being in this world?

Day 14: You choose

Meditate over these and /or journal about, for example in the morning (can be quick, too): 

Today I want to make this day my best day ever by…

Success for me today is…

I am… 

How can I feel best today? 

And then seeing all the little wins ❤️‍🔥

Day 15: Love increased practice

Love is such a high vibration. It produces light. It increases light inside of us and all around us! In this time that can trigger a lot of feelings in us, stay in love, choose it over fear, connect back to it again and again ❤️

Remember: You can always stay in these activations for a longer time, but I make them shorter for you in here so you can build them more easily into your everyday life.

Day 16: 👑 “How can I expand even through this?”

Part 1

Ask yourself this extremely powerful question when you find yourself in contraction to what is happening right now. 

In this contraction you might, for example

. doubt

. fear

. judge

. analyze

. visualize the worst

. feel you’re not good enough 

What if these three steps back (= all these reactions 👆🏽) are you taking a run-up?

What if these are part of your expansion?

An obstacle occurs -> you go into doubt -> this is your assignment: to lead yourself back into your deep inner knowing -> you dropped the doubt -> you expand even more because you did one more step to become independent of outer circumstances and to feel your divinity and divine power inside of you -> you move forward in an even greater conviction - because you learn from any steps that didn’t worked out, you forgave yourself again and again (there exist powerful tools for that), and you trust yourself moving forward because the energy, the frequency of expansion is leading YOU and you lead in that frequency.  

I made this my default question: 

How can I expand even through this?

It changes my whole frequency. 

It shows me that I AM light. That I AM divinity. That it is my choice and my privilege to choose expansion. 

👑 How do you feel with this question, beauty? Send me a message on Instagram or an email if you feel called to, I’d love to hear from you!

Day 17: Infinity in your heart 🧬 ❤️

How can I expand even through this? / Part 2

Heart activation # 6: The infinity symbol in your heart and around you

Day 18: How can this be even true? 👑🫐☕️🧬💄❤️

Today’s heart activation (#7) is bringing in the frequency of gratitude. 

I love to tune into that by connecting to all the things and people I’m grateful for today and truly FEELING them in my heart - and THEN I go into the activation and expand this feeling. 

To tune into gratitude right now, make a short list if you’d love that, maybe using these symbols like I did here today: 

How can this be even true…

👑 That I feel like I live the life of a queen in so many ways (for example: raising my boys in our kingdom)

🫐 That nature gives us all these gifts (yes, I had blueberries today!)

☕️ That I get to taste and find pleasure in experiences (meeting with my girlfriends today)

🧬 That I get to change my DNA on a daily basis by what I choose (today I chose a new belief!)

💄That I get to be beautiful and radiant simply and miraculously by being myself

❤️ That I get to LOVE in this life with my whole body, my whole heart, my whole being and that this love actually can increase (you know what I’m talking about: Don’t you feel more love in your body and heart than even from five years ago? How can this be even true?)

Day 19 The biggest gift you can give

Film mentioned: Kung Fu Panda 1 🐼🐢

Day 20 Love in your self-leadership and our unique energy

Today ask these questions: 

👑 How can I bring more love into my life?

👑 How can I lead with love, more?

🐎 What are the 1-3 specific steps I want to take for that? 

(These, for example, could be connected to the question: What gives me the most joy?)

Additionally helpful, but you can leave it out for now and also do it later: 

What sometimes will prevent us from answering these questions are beliefs about how we need to be so that everything is working out. 

Read that again 👆🏽

This is why it can be very helpful to make the following bubble releasing before going into these questions. 

Ask yourself and write down: 

In order to be valuable, in order to receive, in order to be good enough, in order to be liked or loved, I need to do this: …

Then ask yourself: Is that really true? 

If you know it isn’t, but it’s still a belief - with all the feelings attached to it, then you can do this bubble releasing. It can be very powerful, again, if you let it be powerful ✨✨✨